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Great Lakes Women's Shelter


In 2018, One Green Solutions was approached to be involved in developing the first Women's Shelter in Australia and making it as energy efficient as possible.

Working with Baron Carroll Architects at the design stage, we got agreement from the Women's Shelter to implement the recommended technologies as part of the new build.


A considerable amount of time was spent in showcasing existing sites to show the benefits of the proposed technologies. The building has in its design, destratification fans to move air in the building envelope internally and to balance what ever conditioned air load within the spaces.

The conditioner air was supplied by 5 x solar powered air conditioners which typically only operate in daylight hours but operate to keep the temperature between 22-24 degrees. The hot water systems are heat pumps and the solar and batteries installation was state of the art.

The building had 20kW of SolarEdge / Q-Cell System with 39.9kW of Tesla Batteries.

The site is fully monitored across its energy usage 24/7.

To condition the store 4 x 5.0kW + 3.5kW solar air conditioners where installed in conjunction with 14 destratification fans with this system running independently of the main solar installation.


The new build energy upgrade was completed in August 2022 and showed significant results. These results are shown through the solar monitoring attached.

  • The building is approximately 423 Square metres M2 and uses approximately just under 2 kWh per day.

  • The Heat Pumps saved 70% of their ongoing hot water costs.

  • The Solar / Batteries equated to a 84% reduction in power costs year to date.

  • The Solar ACDC Air Conditioners saved 80%+ of the air conditioning costs.

  • The destratification fans balanced all the rooms in which they were installed, and significantly kept the spaces heated and cooled longer. They were also safer to use as there is no exposed fan.


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