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Make your house heatwave resistant

Our collective range of products effectively control the temperatures in homes and businesses, and significantly improve indoor comfort.

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Our group of Australian engineers have developed the most cost effective way to cool your house.

We use the latest global innovations in insulation, air conditioning and air balancing to protect your home and business from excess heat and significantly improve thermal comfort.

Saves energy

Initial studies have shown an 80%+ reduction in air conditioning costs.

Reduces internal temperature

8-10°C of heat reduction in the hottest glassed spaces.

Improves air quality

Improved thermal comfort, regardless of the season.

Initial studies prove our one-off solution:

The Combatting Heat Program

What Clients Say

“These units are incredible! I can get up to 11 hours of free cooling in the summer months, which has saved me a considerable amount of money.”


– Mark Edwards – Managing Director, Raycon QLD

This is how it works




Check your eligibility

Hit the button below and fill out the eligibility check form.

We'll come to you


We will arrange a time with you to have a Good Earth contractor audit your property on site.

Design your custom solution

We'll design a one-off solution that works for you.

Check Eigibility

Check my eligibility

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